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Mutual love and respect make a happy home

31 January 2024


Neri and Lorine with their HK family: Sammy, Tommy and their two daughters

(The story below is reprinted from the online newsletter of the Mission for Migrant Workers, a non-government organization that has been supporting and promoting the rights and welfare of  migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong for the past 42 years. As part of its advocacy, the Mission holds an annual “Happy Homes” search for employers and MDWs who exemplify the kind of respect and care necessary to maintain joy and harmony in the household. The latest awardees are the main characters in this story).  

Five years ago, thanks to the magical power of Facebook connections, Neri and Lorine traveled all the way from the Philippines to Hong Kong to work with this lovely family of four, who welcomed them with open arms and eventually called them family.

Since then, Neri and Lorine have been helping their employers, Sammy and Tommy, take care of their two daughters, with Neri focusing more on Kaching, the older daughter with special needs, and Lorine on the little sister. Neri and Lorine’s lively energy always manages to light up the room. Apart from Neri and Lorine’s daily routine of taking the children to school, cooking and doing other duties, the family always comes up with exciting plans to have fun together. They have gone on holidays together to the local theme parks Ocean Park and Disneyland, participated in Kaching’s school events and sports tournaments, gone to church together, etc. Showing respect and love towards Neri and Lorine’s background and interests, Sammy and Tommy, take the family on hikes, barbecues, and golf-playing.

Or, perhaps, the most beautiful memories lie within those small, seemingly ordinary moments.

Whenever the family goes out for meals, Neri and Lorine always follow, initially for Neri to take care of Kaching due to her special needs. However, overtime, they’ve created a bond so strong that they’re comfortable with and happy opening up to and sharing personal stories with each other. Through these little conversations, they have learnt so much about each other, and built this sense of mutual trust, respect, and support.


This bond truly goes beyond the employment contract. Sammy and Tommy recalled when Neri spent hours dressing Kaching, paying attention to the tiniest detail for her school’s catwalk event and her genuine, delightful smile when Kaching was awarded the “best-dressed” award; or when COVID-19 hit again in 2022, and Neri desperately tried every possible way to cool down Kaching’s concerning high fever and insisted on staying the night in the emergency room with her. For that, till this day, they felt nothing but gratitude.

“It was miraculously like a plan of God,” Sammy said, repeatedly, when asked to describe their lives together.

In Neri’s earliest days of working in the family, Sammy was struggling with postpartum depression. She felt that she often mistreated Neri and generated so many unnecessary conflicts. Regardless, Neri kept her professionalism, and tended to both Kaching and her with care.

Looking back on those days, Sammy felt an intense amount of guilt and apologized for her mistreatment. Despite that, she marveled at how far they have come and how beautiful of a relationship they had built with each other in face of all the troubles and worries.


“It all takes time, but just put yourself in their shoes,” After contemplating for a short while, Sammy replied, as a message to all the employers in Hong Kong. “If an employer is unable to foster a pleasant working environment, the employee, in turn, may automatically lack the encouragement to give their best. It’s all mutual.”

Indeed, Neri, Lorine, Sammy, Tommy and their two adorable daughters’ story serve as a reminder and inspiration to us that a “happy home” is not out of reach, and all it takes might just be trust, respect, love, and a big, bright, heartfelt smile.

Education and empathy is important too. We need to educate people that MDWs sacrifice a lot and contribute to the society of Hong Kong. Let's put ourselves in their shoes and view things from a completely different perspective.

Visit our facebook page to learn more about Happy Homes HK:

(Reprinted with permission from the Mission for Migrant Workers)

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