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19 persons arrested in latest anti-illegal work raids

28 January 2024

These 2 women were among those arrested from Jan 22 to 25

 A task force formed by the Immigration Department has arrested 19 people in the latest anti-illegal work operation carried out across Hong Kong.

Among those arrested in the four-day sweep from Jan. 22 to Jan 25 were 15 suspected illegal workers, three employers and one abettor.

The task force officers raided three construction sites and 24 other locations including an elderly home, an exhibition hall, premises under renovation, residential buildings, restaurants and retail shops.


The arrested suspected illegal workers comprised 11 men and four women, aged 23 to 57. Among them, one man held a recognisance form, which prohibits him from taking up any job. He was also found in possession of a Hong Kong identity card belonging to another person.

Two men and one woman, aged 29 to 61, were suspected of employing them and were also arrested.

One woman, aged 52, was suspected of abetting a person who breached the conditions of stay in Hong Kong and was also arrested.


Immigration again reminded the public that anyone who breaches the conditions of stay, including those who take up unauthorized work, whether paid or unpaid, shall be guilty of an offence. Violators face a maximum fine of $50,000 and imprisonment of up to two years.

Aiders and abettors will also prosecuted.

Those found to have violated any other visa condition apart from taking up illegal work, such as an overstayer or someone refused permission to land including recognizance paper holders, are liable to a maximum fine of $50,000 and up to three years’ imprisonment.


The penalty is significantly higher for those found using or possessing a forged Hong Kong identity card or one belonging to another person. Offenders face up to $100,000 in fine and up to 10 years in prison.

But the worst offence is committed by employers of illegal workers, who could be fined up to $500,000 and jailed for up to 10 years.

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